Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ron Paul on FOX Business

March 31, 2009

investments, stock, bonds, gold, silver, commodities, jim rogers, marc faber, peter schiff, ron paul, banking crisis, economic meltdown


  1. It's so infuriating that these stupid tv shows differ a great debate to a commercial. Ron Paul was going to pants that stupid mayor.

  2. He may have persuaded him a bit with the remark at the end re wall street and the fed.

  3. oh man what i would have given to see that interview go another 5 minutes. they let the mayor filibuster for several minutes while Paul waited patiently to respond.

  4. Yea in most videos every time Paul gets a chance to speak he gets cut off by the asshole who disagrees with him. Oh well, those people are losing their money so that's their own fault.

  5. WTF was that all about??
    "Ron Paul, you have 15 seconds to respond"??!!?
    Are you kidding me? Why even bother?

  6. Haha.. have been changing rapidly? They couldn't even change in good times, what make them in bad times then? It is that you got these people representing you that is a cause of the problem. Eloquent, optimistic but unrealistic.

  7. They shouldn't have even gotten the bailout to even try and change now that shit hit the fan.
    Bad business deserves to fail.

  8. They're rapidly changing? They've had 20 years of producing inferior quality vehicles to change. Like Paul said, too little too late.
