Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Jim Rogers on FOX Business

March 25, 2009

investments, stock, bonds, gold, silver, commodities, jim rogers, marc faber, peter schiff, ron paul, banking crisis, economic meltdown


  1. great interview with jim rogers about japan, done on the 24th of march, just click on jim rogers in the menu and scroll down

  2. i LOVE Jim on TV. he is SO knowledgeable and KNOWS, not think, KNOWS exactly what is going on and wont take crap from anyone trying to convince him otherwise.

    i love Ron Paul, with a fiery fiery passion, but sometimes he's just too meek in the interviews. granted, his position in politics demands it; sadly.

  3. Now that was an old school ass kicking. Well done Mr. Rogers!

  4. Wow. Normally I try to stick up for the news reporters because sometimes they have to lead with obvious questions so the person their interviewing will explain, but this lady was just too much...

  5. Poor Jim. I feel really bad when he strains himself on retards like this "journalist". He should save his heart. She's hopelessly brainwashed, dumb and a bit manic psychotic.

  6. Her job in this interview was to debate with JR and put him down. But she failed miserably and needed to take a break so that her producers can think of ideas to counter him. LOL.

  7. Jim Rogers is the voice of reason.

  8. "Dumb as a stick." Don't you just love talking heads that slept through econ class in High School?

  9. Mighty Jim Rogers!
    These journalists should educate themselves a little before talking with people like Jim!

  10. there is a second part to this video...about 3 min long

  11. Whew. The woman was terrible. She thought she was smart, but the more she talked, the more terrible she looked like. She couldn't even use her hands right. This doesn't look like a debate. This looks like a rude low class woman interfering her guest's words. Fox business did not have better journalist? Sigh.

  12. jim is spot on as usual.

  13. Jim Rogers On Fox Business Channel Part 2 ,
    is the name of part 2 on youtube
    3:49 long, posted by user Contrarian6

  14. Concur with the comments here. But I don't think the woman is dumb; she does appear patriotic, proud, and anti-China which I'm hardly surprised. Unfortunately, such people will be the first to disintegrate when they realise the truth.

  15. I would call it mis-placed patriotism. She is in agreement with the "government talking points" being spread around these days. Being able to quote "Time" and Newsweek" does not qualify as being patriotic. I agree with her disintegration. I saw this attitude and was laughed at in 7/08 when I sold all of my stock and told people to buy silver and gold. As of today, all of the laughter has turned to tears as many of my co-worker's retirement funds have been cut in half or lost completely. Many lives and capital have disintegrated already.
    I am not a fan of the way China's treats it's citizenry when they want to exercise their natural rights, but must admit it is much easier starting a business in China then it is in the US. But, money is not everything and an individual's God given rights are much more important than any national denomination.

  16. The woman's in denial, but she is smart and will come to her senses, eventually.

  17. Wow...Jim seems a trite flustered with such a dumbass.
    Will the upside is that Jim clarifies the situation once again for any one who is a newbie to macro economics.

  18. Isn't Alexis supposed to be an interviewer of a knowledgible and respected investor/economist who has something very important to say? I didn't know that an interview of Jim Rogers is supposed to be an antagonistic performance of ignorance on the part of Alexis. Somehow in her limited mental capacity she sees this as a debate - What! Is this Fox's idea or Alexis fronting for the Obama administration? When will the directors of these interview programs, on the various networks drill it into the heads of these nitwit interviewers, that there's a two second time delay between Asia and New York. They wind up talking over each other, which makes it sound like a shouting match.

    Jim Rogers is right, as we shall see, as the months go on - Failed bailouts and stimulus plans, rising unemployment, mortgage foreclosures, rising taxes, markets unwinding and an eventual drop in the dollar.

  19. At first I was angry with this woman. I should have some sympathy for her. If she admits that all the government, financial and media elites are wrong her world rips apart. She's not making a mental choice not to believe she just can't!

  20. Awesome!

  21. In response to Hoffer:
    I am sympathetic to families who lose their home in a hurricane. I am sympathetic to a surviving family member whose family was killed by a drunk driver. I am sympathetic to people who (due to no fault of their own) are devastated by natural
    life occurences.
    I feel empathy for idiots.
    If I had the job on a "business" show on TV, I would educate myself on the BUSINESS of BUSINESS. A first year econ student in junior high should know that you can not "spend" your way out of an economic crises created by too much "spending." Sympathy? I beg to differ. Empathy, yes. Sympathy, no.

  22. who is this dumb anchorwoman? she sounds like she's has stake in AIG and trying to defend the stupidity of geithner and bernanke

  23. Jim is always right, nobody can argue with him, because his points are:

    simple, direct and those are only common senses everyone should learned and understood long time ago in junior high school!!!

  24. wow, the video got pulled from youtube already?

  25. The Full version can be found on Jim Rogers Blog :

  26. The financial crisis just goes on and on. Now the focus has shifted from the united states to euroland.
